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Feeding a Family of 4 on $60 a week

19 Jan

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Recently my friend sent me a funny message: “I know you are a rock star and do a super tight grocery budget for your fam and was wondering of you might share some secrets or tell me some good resources? I really need to cut back and I figure that would be a good place to start.”

Ok, first of all, I am not a rockstar, 🙂 but I did appreciate the compliment!lol…  Here are some tips I gave her:

1. For every meal, we have one main dish (ground turkey, chicken or fish) and one side, (fresh fruit or roasted veggies.)  We don’t do traditional expensive sides, and it helps us to save money and eat healthier.

2. Snacks are granola bars, home-made banana bread, yogurt, fruit smoothies, air popped popcorn, (a bag of popcorn seeds cost around $1-2,) chopped fruit, and some kind of healthy veggie chip

3. I don’t buy juice, but if my husband buys it, 🙂 I will give them a tiny bit of juice in their sippy cup, kind of like flavored water.

4. A few nights a week we have grilled cheese sandwiches or regular deli sandwiches, (homemade of course) 🙂

5. I always have fresh fruit in a bowl, (apples, bananas, and tangerines,) and strawberries in the fridge

6. Additional sides are a side salad (just lettuce, tomatoes and onion,) and homemade chicken noodle soup (water, one piece of chopped chicken, celery, and onion)

I hope these tips helped!  Let me know if you have any other money saving suggestions! 🙂




Lauren is a friend, wife, homeschooling mama of two, blogger, in-home babysitter, and freelance Spanish tutor who loves fruit smoothies, reading the word, teaching Spanish to her kiddies, (and other people’s too, for that matter!,) 🙂  doing Zumba, listening to soaking worship, and laughing and being silly with friends and family.

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