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Adventures in Homeschooling

29 Jan


As some of you recently know, the kiddies and I just started homeschooling, and we absolutely love it!

Because the babies are so little, I am mostly doing learn through play, but we also have some basics that we do every day: letters, numbers, penmanship, Bible, reading, practical life activities, Spanish, and Montessori inspired lessons and stations.

OK – that was a little more than basics, 🙂 but for a former teacher, I can’t help it – I love learning and I love teaching my kids to love to learn too!

Here are a few pictures from today – keep in mind that it snowed last night, so that made homeschooling even more fun – we got to learn while cozied up under blankets, and the kiddies were excited, knowing that they would get to play in the snow once school was done! 🙂


Here is a picture of Gabriel doing a lesson on patterns and colors with glass rocks.


Here is a picture of Zoe playing with letters and numbers.


Although I am not a “puzzle person,” lol, I am learning to enjoy it for the kids sake! 🙂


We started early today, so we finished around 10 a.m. – enough time to watch some fun educational videos that reinforced our Spanish, (Dora!!,) 🙂 and Sesame Street videos that reinforced our numbers and letters.  We also did some singing and dancing with maracas that I brought back from missions trips to Mexico.  Also, Gabriel dressed up like a ninja, but he declined any photo ops!lol…

I’d say it’s been a fun day so far!

How about you?   Do you homeschool?  How do you teach your kiddies?




Lauren is a friend, wife, homeschooling mama of two, blogger, in-home babysitter, and freelance Spanish and SAT tutor who loves fruit smoothies, reading the word, teaching Spanish to her kiddies, (and other people’s too, for that matter!,) 🙂  doing Zumba, listening to soaking worship, and laughing and being silly with friends and family.

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