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Tori Jones – God says that I’m Beautiful

24 Mar


For the next two weeks, we are doing a series on what God says about beauty to lead up to our March Beauty Bash and Lunch to benefit the Crisis Pregnancy Center. Today’s interview will feature Tori Jones, and I know that you will enjoy hearing from her!

What does beauty mean to you?

Beauty means to me that you make others feel beautiful. I want ever person to see the beauty in them.

What inner trait about yourself makes you feel beautiful?

My heart. My love for people.

What outer feature about yourself do you love?

My dimples. They are a birth defect but I think they are beautiful. I love that me and my sister both have them. It makes me feel close to her.

What is one (inexpensive or free thing) you or other women can do to make themselves feel beautiful?

Polishing my nails. Even when i just use clear polish its makes me feel special. You can get polish at the Dollar Tree!



Thanks again to Tori for her fun and honest interview!

You’re officially invited to a fashion show/beauty bash/amazing lunch….

For more information, please visit the events pages below!!/events/424589357632345/?fref=ts

***We are giving away a free spot at our March Beauty Bash, Fashion Show, and Lunch – to qualify, please leave a comment on this post on what beauty means to you!

If you like this post, feel free to follow my blog or to “like” my fan page below.

And watch my videos here if you like:

***Want to become a better wife, or to prepare for marriage, (regardless of whether you’re single, engaged, dating, or divorced?) Get signed up for my “Brides in Training” class – I’m enrolling now, and it’s for EVERY woman regardless of marital status – for more info, leave a message in the contact section of my website below!   🙂   It’s a fun and interactive class that can be taken in person, via Skype, online, or over the phone. Wisdom, fun, and lots of laughs are guaranteed!

Love pretty jewelry? ME TOO!! Check out my Traci Lynn Fashion Jewelry page – our jewelry is cute, professional, fun, and has that BLING factor that we all love!

Just left a wedding…now I want to get married again!

24 Mar

Every time I go to a wedding, it reminds me of my own almost six years ago.

It also makes me want to relive my magical day, (with the same guy of course!) 🙂

Today I went to my friend’s wedding, and it was sooo much fun!

I think the groom was crying at the beginning, (which I always love,) 🙂  and at the end, we had a full fledged worship service!

I love how the bride and groom looked into each other’s eyes, like they were so ready to spend the rest of their lives together.

It made me think back to when I had just met my husband, and became giddy when the phone wrang, and it was him…to the times when just holding his hand brought goosebumps to my arm.

Although we have been married for a few years, I still love being around him, and spending alone time with him.  🙂

In fact, tomorrow I have a surprise date planned for him, and I know that he will love it!

So no matter if you’re a newlywed or have been married for 40 years, keep the romance alive!  Cook him a special dinner, light some candles, get a sitter, or just cuddle under some blankets after the kids are asleep and watch a funny movie!

Let’s not let the newlyweds be the only ones who are happily married – re-ignite that passion!! 🙂

You’re officially invited to a fashion show/beauty bash/amazing lunch….

For more information, please visit the events pages below!!/events/424589357632345/?fref=ts

***We are giving away a free spot at our March Beauty Bash, Fashion Show, and Lunch – to qualify, please leave a comment on this post on what beauty means to you!

If you like this post, feel free to follow my blog or to “like” my fan page below.

And watch my videos here if you like:

***Want to become a better wife, or to prepare for marriage, (regardless of whether you’re single, engaged, dating, or divorced?) Get signed up for my “Brides in Training” class – I’m enrolling now, and it’s for EVERY woman regardless of marital status – for more info, leave a message in the contact section of my website below!   🙂   It’s a fun and interactive class that can be taken in person, via Skype, online, or over the phone. Wisdom, fun, and lots of laughs are guaranteed!

Love pretty jewelry? ME TOO!! Check out my Traci Lynn Fashion Jewelry page – our jewelry is cute, professional, fun, and has that BLING factor that we all love!

The world says “don’t get married”

19 Feb


I don’t know if it’s just because this is February, the month of love, but I am just on a roll when it comes to talking about marriage, relationships, etc!!lol…it’s like I can’t stop! 🙂


I recently had an engaged lady sign up for my brides in training coaching yesterday, and she told me how so many of her friends were disappointed upon hearing that she was getting married.  This deeply saddened her.  She was an amazing gal who had found an amazing man…why couldn’t they be happy for her?


Image courtesy of

While the reasons can be many, can I tell you something?

No matter what others tell you, God created marriage, and it is good.

The world’s views may change, but aren’t we lucky that God’s word is still true when it comes to marriage. 🙂


Courtesy of

God never said it would be easy, but in the end, it’s well worth sticking it out! 🙂

Think about anything else that you are proud of.  Was it easy?

Ladies, was it easy to give birth to your children and carry them for nine months?  Some will say yes, 🙂 but for me, it wasn’t!lol…

Men, is it easy to work that 40 + hr a week job that you hate?   Of course not, but you do it to provide for your family.

Was it always easy and fun to study for your college courses?  Of course not, but you’re (hopefully) 🙂  enjoying the advantages of having a degree.

Courtesy of

So today, don’t allow the world’s views, friend’s negativity, or stories you might have heard to cause you to become jaded or rob you of God’s amazing plan of marriage.  Set your focus on the Father, ignore any naysayers, and be excited about your marriage! 🙂


Courtesy of

And I’m not saying this b/c my own marriage has always been perfect…I’m so gung-ho about good marriages b/c I know how amazing it is to stick with it and enjoy the awesome joy that marriage brings. 🙂


If you like this post, feel free to follow my blog or to “like” my fan page below.

And watch my videos here if you like:

***Want to become a better wife, or to prepare for marriage, (regardless of whether you’re single, engaged, dating, or divorced?) Get signed up for my “Brides in Training” class – I’m enrolling now, and it’s for EVERY woman regardless of martial status – for more info, leave a message in the contact section of my website below! :) It’s a fun and interactive class that can be taken in person, via skype, online, or over the phone. Wisdom, fun, and lots of laughs are guaranteed!

I used to boycott Valentine’s Day!

11 Feb

lauren internship pic

Here’s my picture from “sophomore” year of college – technically it’s really not sophomore yr. because I finished in 2.5 years…but that’s another story for another time.  🙂  Anyway, I know that you are probably really surprised to read the title of this post because I’m always blogging about marriage and my kids, etc.  🙂


But believe it or not, I wasn’t born married!lol…there was once a time that I had no husband or children…(although it is hard to remember…haha…)

Another “mom friend” and I joked about how our kids would probably always see us as “mom,” not realizing that we weren’t born moms.  Before marriage and kids, we were teens who wore body glitter in the 90’s, listened to boy bands like N Sync, (although I was never that hard core into it like some…lol,) and went to prom’s and ring dances.

And at one point, we were disgruntled young ladies who boycotted Valentine’s day due to the lack of a Valentine!lol…

I remember one year I didn’t have a Valentine, and I was so sad.  I wore all black, (kind of as a joke to make fun of my situation,) but inside, I was actually pretty bummed about it.

If you find yourself in a similar situation, (and I’ve been there too,) remember that life has a way of changing, (often for the better…)  🙂

…And while the years between being single and married aren’t always easy, it does make it that much better when you do have your husband for your Valentine.  🙂


…You think back and are so glad that he’s your Valentine, the father of your kids, and your best friend.  You know that even though sometimes you annoy each other, you couldn’t live without each other.


So today, if you don’t have a Valentine and wish you did, realize that life works in seasons – soon, things may change.  Just hang in there, baby! 🙂  Go out with single friends, watch a movie, and thank God for all the other things that you DO have. 🙂  Just don’t get all weird and wear black to boycott it like I did!haha…

Valentines engagment pic

And if you’re married, kiss your spouse and enjoy your time with them – marriage was made to be fun, so HAVE FUN!  Nuff said! 🙂


If you like this post, feel free to follow my blog or to “like” my fan page below.

And watch my videos here if you like:

***Want to become a better wife, or to prepare for marriage, (regardless of whether you’re single, engaged, dating, or divorced?) Get signed up for my “Brides in Training” class – I’m enrolling now, and it’s for EVERY woman regardless of martial status – for more info, leave a message in the contact section of my website below! :) It’s a fun and interactive class that can be taken in person, via skype, online, or over the phone. Wisdom, fun, and lots of laughs are guaranteed!

Sex + Marriage = Boring???

5 Feb


Have you ever heard someone say, “wait until the kids come along…you’ll never have sex, you’ll be too tired to do anything, and it won’t even be that great anymore…”

Wow, that sounds like a lot to look forward to, huh???lol… 🙂

Can I break that stereotype for a minute?

Thanks! 🙂


But seriously, without getting too graphic, let’s tell the truth for a minute here, and let’s examine what God says about sex within marriage…

1. He said that He created it for marriage.

2. He said that it’s good.

3. He said that the marriage bed cannot be defiled, (or that you can do anything you want once married.)

That to me, sounds like a great deal, (and it is!)  🙂

Don’t let the world tell you lies about married sex!

If you’re tired, it’s probably because you’re up late watching American Idol re-runs or Finding Nemo with the babies instead of putting them to bed early and cuddling up with your spouse…  🙂


If you’re too busy, it’s time to drop one of the millions of activities that you’ve volunteered to help with, focus on the one or two that matter most to you, and spend that leftover time on a date night with your husband, rekindling the fire that so easily can die if we let life’s busyness draw us apart…

And if you think it’s the kids fault that you’re never getting any alone time, then it’s time to make some friends and swap sitting.  My husband and I go out alone every week by swapping sitting with our friends.  Ex:  I watch your girls on a Tuesday morning for 4 hours, and you watch mine on a Friday night for 4 hours…then repeat the cycle…


With the kids gone, now; you have time to take that romantic walk on the beach, cuddling and snuggling like you did when you first met…  Now, you’re able to go to the movies and be care-free, not having to worry about missing the best part of the story to go change a diaper…

Yes, our children are a blessing from God, but the word never tells us that “adult time” away from them is wrong!! 🙂

So, the next time someone tells you that married sex is boring, kindly correct them!! 🙂


If you like this post, feel free to follow my blog or to “like” my fan page below.

And watch my videos here if you like:

***Want to become a better wife, or to prepare for marriage, (regardless of whether you’re single, engaged, dating, or divorced?)  Get signed up for my “Brides in Training” class – I’m enrolling now, and it’s for EVERY woman regardless of martial status – for more info, leave a message in the contact section of my website below! :)  It’s a fun and interactive class that can be taken in person, via skype, online, or over the phone.  Wisdom, fun, and lots of laughs are guaranteed!

We are family!! (How it all started!)

28 Oct











Maybe it’s because it’s storming outside and I’m here in my PJ’s eating warm soup and feeling cozy, but I’m in a “family” sort of mood! 🙂

We will probably watch a funny Redbox tonight under some blankets too later on, cuddled together on the couch.  (My husband, a.k.a “Mr. Freeze” will probably also complain that he’s hot!lol…)

So in honor of my “family” sort of mood, I’d like to tell you a little bit about my own little family by sharing our timeline.

July 2005 – I saw my future hubby, (but at the time a stranger,) at a Bible study while I was still in college and home for the summer, and paid him no mind b/c he was in the navy, (so I had all kinds of stereotypes floating through my head!haha…none of them ended up being true for him, though!) 🙂  He also had no interest in me!lol… 😉

August 2006 – A year later, we are re-united at a wedding and sparks flew!









December 2006 – We get engaged.  Big ol’ diamond ring!!lol.. 😉

May 2007 – Married!

February 2010 – Gabriel is born! 😉












July 2011 – Zoe is born! 🙂











So that’s our story…still being written.  🙂  And while some may knock marriage and think “having a family” is cheesy, I’d have to disagree.  Yes; to each his own, but in my opinion, there is nothing better than a loving, Christ-centered, tight-knit family!











The book is due out in the Fall of 2012. :)

If you like this post, feel free to follow my blog or “like” my fan page below. :)

And watch my videos here if you like:

I’ve lost ten pounds (and still losing) with exercise and an awesome wellness supplement called Visi – read my testimony here and msg. me for more info!

Mamas been sick, and No More Husband Bashing!

26 Sep

Just wanted to check in with you guys.  I haven’t been posting as much because I’ve been a bit under the weather, (but praise God that He’s healed me,) but I’m still taking today and tomorrow to rest.  I figured I’d post this blog I’d written last week so that you all would know that I’m still alive.  🙂  OK back to getting well I go!


Recently I attended a training that taught us how to lead group discussions among Christian women.

One of the areas that we worked on was when someone in the group continually wants to husband bash.

I’m not saying we can’t confide in friends when we have marriage troubles, because it is healthy to share with a good friend that we trust.

But if we are constantly going around bashing our spouse and talking about how horrible they are, that is not the answer.


If you need help, why not get counseling?

If he’s so bad, why not confront the issue instead of going behind his back?

If he’s being mean, why not kill him with kindness?

And if he is abusive, then stop putting up with it – God has called you to more, beautiful woman!


But what if he’s a good guy, and you simply had a disagreement?

Instead of husband bashing, love him, be the bigger person, work it out as best you can, and take it to the Lord!



The book is due out in the Fall of 2012. :)

If you like this post, feel free to follow my blog or “like” my fan page below. :)

And watch my videos here if you like:

I’ve lost ten pounds (and still losing) with exercise and an awesome wellness supplement called Visi – read my testimony here and msg. me for more info!

You are God’s Beautiful Woman

17 Sep

Guest Post from Kelly Lewis, pictured above

I have known Kelly for over five years now, and she is an amazing woman of God.  We have so much in common, and I am excited for you to read her guest post below!  🙂

Recently, as I was scrolling through Facebook, what I saw surprised me: beautiful women posing seductively, and leaving nothing to the imagination.
As women, let’s ask ourselves, what attention are we asking for when we pose in a way that can easily be classified as soft core porn, and posting it for everyone to see?
Don’t get me wrong – not judging here. I work in the entertainment industry, and I understand how hard it is to uphold a standard of modesty!
However the Bible says it very well in Proverbs— “Like a gold ring in a pig’s snout is a beautiful woman with no discretion.”  When men see the value you place on your body, (or lack thereof,) it sets the standard for how they treat you.

To my single ladies –don’t let your amazing, God fearing, potential husband pass you by because you look and dress like the rest of the girls in the club displaying their bodies for attention.
To my married Christian ladies – is it fair to let the whole world view the parts of your body that the Word says are for your husband only?

Why not take the focus off of the physical, so he can fall in love with your mind and soul first? Why not save your beautiful body for the one who has taken a public vow before God to honor, love and respect you for richer or poorer?

Ladies….you’re beautiful and you’re worth more.
Kelly’s Biography

After deciding to fully pursue a career in acting within the film and television industry, Kelly B. Lewis has ambitiously, yet not desperately, moved forward utilizing every breathing day, week, and year getting her face on the on the field of the industry. She is proud alum of The Actors’ Place Studios in Virginia Beach, VA, GregAlan Williams’ Actors Breakthrough out of Atlanta, and Kristen Shaw of Atlanta. In recent years, Kelly has definitely had her priorities shaken up due to the surprise birth of her and husband Pastor Chris Lewis’ second child, Noelle. After a brief stint as a local Atlanta actor, Chris and Kelly were called to initiate youth ministry in Englewood, Florida and currently serve as Student Pastors of MaxOUT Youth out of Suncoast Worship Center.
Alongside with her main passion for being an actor, Kelly is now an actor, wife, mother, choreographer, and dancer. With the understanding of keeping her priorities in line, she putting her personal ambitions aside temporarily to effectively raise her two children, four year old daughter Halle and six month old Noelle in a God-honoring environment, as well as serve alongside her husband as he pastors MaxOUT Youth Movement.

Thanks again for sharing at Loving Life, Kelly! 🙂



The book is due out in the Fall of 2012. :)

If you like this post, feel free to follow my blog or “like” my fan page below. :)

And watch my videos here if you like:

What if my kids date someone I don’t like?

31 Aug







Despite the fact that my kiddies are just babies, I’m still thinking about when they are old enough to “date.”  Ahhh!! 🙂

I recently saw a Dr. Drew special that suggested that by trashing a daughter’s boyfriend, we are actually pushing her towards him – by disapproving, we are giving them fuel to fight for their love.

Hmm…I agree and disagree.

Yes, I’ve seen this technique work with friends and family.  By avoiding judgment and instead asking questions, they often realize on their own that their relationship is not good.  But on the other hand, there is something to be said for being honest and guiding our children in the right direction.

When my kids are teens, I’ll probably say exactly what my parents said:  “Does he love the Lord?”  “What is his relationship with God like?”  My mom would tell me to watch how he treated his mom and sister, because that is how he would treat me.  My dad would tell me that so long as he loved me, could support me, and loved God, that his race didn’t matter. 🙂

I hate to think of my own kids actually wanting to date.  My parents kept me so busy that I didn’t have much time for dating in high school – I’ll probably try and do the same with my kids.  🙂 When they are teens, they will be faced with so much peer pressure.  That is why I must teach them, pray with them, love them and guide them during these precious years of their childhood.

Blessings! 🙂

The book is due out in the Fall of 2012. :)

If you like this post, feel free to follow my blog or “like” my fan page below. :)

And watch my videos here if you like:

Marriage – be willing to fight for it!

30 Aug

Lots of people these days are ending their marriages.  Yes, I know in some instances divorce is the only way out – ex: a spouse who will not stop cheating, a spouse who beats the wife and children, etc.

No one said marriage was easy.  But it’s worth trying to work out before ending it.
I recently heard a Financial Advisor tell about a couple who was divorcing over simple financial issues.  As she met with the couple, they were civil and friendly towards each other.

If you are able to be civil friends in the midst of a divorce, then it sounds to me like you should give therapy a shot before totally ending it.

God created marriage.  Marriage is good.  But there is a lie out there that if its not EASY, then it’s not meant to be.  Most good things don’t come easy.  Be willing to fight for it!

Be blessed!  :)

***I am looking for guest bloggers!  If interested, please message me!

The book is due out in the Fall of 2012. :)

If you like this post, feel free to follow my blog or “like” my fan page below. :)

And watch my videos here if you like: