Why I’m Taking it Easy this Year

9 Jan


day 3

So for the past thirty years, I feel like I’ve been working super hard at all my goals.  While it’s great to work hard, I also want to work on playing harder this year.  🙂  And by playing, I mean taking vacations with my family, doing new outings with my kids and husband, and more coffee dates and girls nights out, (or preferably ” girls night’s in” so that I can relax more…unless of course “out” involves PF or Peter Chang’s!)  🙂

For example, today I took my kids to swim lessons this morning, and they asked if we could go to the beach afterwards.  I’m honestly thinking, “what…why would we go to the beach, I want to go home and nap or play on my Tablet in bed …”  But I thought about it more and realized that I need to embrace the spontaneous more, to make fun and new memories, and that hey, the beach might just be nice on a cold day, (and since I live 20 minutes away, I really should enjoy it more than just when friends come to visit in the summer and want me to take them to the oceanfront.)  🙂

day 6

When we got to the beach, I was immediately glad we went.  I walked right down to the waves and took a deep breath of fresh air.  The kids and I dug in the sand trying to find water – nope, we didn’t get that deep, but my arms got a workout!lol…we watched a few surfers surf in the cool waters, met two friendly ladies who were walking their dogs – one was a friendly white haired dog named Mozart who tried to eat our food…lol, and we had a Paleo picnic on our blanket.  (Well, Mommy had a Paleo picinic – the kids had sandwiches, and I had Skinny Iaso Tea and a tangerine.)  🙂  And as I snapped a few pictures, I remembered how much I loved photography, and thought about getting a new camera so that I could take better pictures of nature and of family.

day 2

Spending time at the beach today was a total breath of fresh air, (not to be cliche.)  🙂  I realized that I need to be more spontaneous.  I need to make sure that I’m having fun every few days, and not just checking off things on my to do list.

day 7

As I drove to the salon later to Airbrush some of my clients, I smiled as I opened my back door to put the supplies in, and saw a backseat covered in sand.  That just means, A) I had fun, and B) now I have an excuse to get my car cleaned!lol…

day 4

Please don’t forget to take some time out to enjoy today, to enjoy your life, and to enjoy your kids.  Turning 31 this year was huge for me – I worked super hard up until this point, and now it’s time to relax more.

day 6

So that’s why this year, I’m slowing down a bit.

How about you??  How do you plan on slowing down and making time for what counts?  What fun things do you want to do with friends and family this year that you haven’t done as much before?

If you get a chance, check out my two favorite minimalism websites when you get a chance – The Minimalists and Becoming Minimalist – they have definitely discovered some great ways to slow down, de-clutter life, and enjoy what really matters.  : )

water one

Lauren is a wife, Paleo-eating mama, Jesus-lover, Blogger, Certified Life Coach and Consultant, Kindergarten Room Mom!, 🙂  the owner of a Spanish Immersion Christian preschool, the Owner of Golden Glow Tanning for Women, an Independent Distributor of all natural and organic nutrition products through Total Life Changes – (try the Skinny tea, it’s awesome!!,) and the owner of Lauren’s Lathers, an organic beauty company, (making her own home-made Soaps, Scrubs, Shea Butters, Organic Skincare Kits, and more!) She is excited to have started her Professional Esthetician Certification Program this past Fall to eventually open a Spa for women that will offer a variety of Treatments for the whole woman – (Organic Facials, Waxing, Makeup, and Airbrush tanning,) along with Life Coaching. She loves Zumba, Pilates, soaking worship, dreaming and goal-setting, the beach, chocolate, berry smoothies, travel, and spending time with her friends, family and children. Her life’s mission is to be happy, to help others, and to spread God’s love, as well as to be an Author, Motivational speaker, Consultant and Coach – her first book will be available soon. : )




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