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What if my gift is too small?

17 Jun

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With social media, TV, and Facebook, we often see amazing stories of people who are breaking Olympic records, traveling to other countries helping sex-trafficked women and children, and winning all kinds of awards.  Sometimes we are happy for them.  Other times it can make us feel as though we should be doing more.

But we should never compare our gifts to others.  Recently a friend told me about a trip she was taking across the world to help abused women.  I could have been jealous, wishing that I too could travel internationally and make a difference.  But I know that for me, I am making a difference right at home. 🙂


Right now, my mission is to make a difference right here in my city by loving my children and the children who come to my preschool.


Right now, my mission is to love my husband and friends, and be an example to others that marriage still works.  🙂

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Let’s never compare ourselves to others and think that the gifts we can share with others are “too small.”  Not at all. 🙂 Our gifts are just different.  Some gifts may bring fame and fortune, and other gifts may not, but that doesn’t make one better than the other.

Be happy with the gifts that you can share with others.  What is a gift that you can share with others today? : )



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Lauren is a wife, mother, preschool teacher, tutor and lover of all things natural, even making and selling her own organic beauty products.  She loves Zumba, the beach, coffee, chocolate, berry smoothies, travel, and being silly with her friends, family and children.  Her life’s mission is to be happy, to help others, and to spread God’s love.


When You Feel like you’re not good enough

15 Jan

babies on bikes

Here is a picture of my kids riding their bikes in the backyard – and yes, you can see the homemade safety patio gate made from lawn chairs, a toy roof, and the grill!lol…just trying to keep my babies safe! 🙂

Often, I wonder if I’m doing everything I can to be a good mom.  In whatever stage of life we’re in, career person, mother, father, student, or wherever we are, we often have a nagging sense that we could be doing more, or doing a better job.

As a mom, I read all of the mommy blogs, but lately, I’ve had to step back.  I have had to realize that God has equipped me to be the best mom that I can be.  Yes; I can read and study on how to do better, how to best educate my kids, what activities to do with them, and all of the parenting techniques that I can find in the  books, but nothing is better than just being a person who loves God and has His peace surrounding you.  🙂

That’s what my kids will really benefit from – a mama who is totally and 100% focused on loving and pleasing God – let’s face it…the peace, joy, and love that radiates from someone who has been in the presence of our Lord is just amazing, and everyone can feel it and enjoy it! 🙂

Whatever stage you’re in, set your eyes on things above.  Nothing else matters but God.  If you lose your house, you can still have God.  Material things come and go, but a loving relationship with your heavenly Father, and the peace that it brings, will stand the test of fire and time! 🙂



Lauren is a friend, wife, homeschooling mama of two, blogger, and freelance Spanish tutor who loves fruit smoothies, reading the word, teaching Spanish to her kiddies, (and other people’s too, for that matter!,) 🙂 doing Zumba, listening to soaking worship, and laughing and being silly with friends and family.


If you like this post, feel free to follow my blog or to “like” my page below.

And watch my videos here if you like: :)

If you or your kids need private Spanish lessons, tutoring, homework help, or just want to practice speaking, click below!

When people laugh at your beliefs…

23 Dec

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Image courtesy of
Maybe you have shared about Christ or the Bible with your friends, and they have laughed, told you it’s no longer relevant, or even gotten angry with you.  Maybe you’re feeling let down after a negative experience with sharing your faith.

But friends, have you forgotten that the word tell us in James 1:2-4, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”

Frankly, the world isn’t always going to like Christian views. That’s nothing new, but it doesn’t mean that you should stop living for Christ. It doesn’t mean that you should change or water down what the Bible says. Even if people laugh, keep on loving and speaking the truth.

As followers of God, we can’t be swayed by people who mistreat us, laugh at us, or don’t want to hear our message. Jesus was persecuted, and if we follow Him, we probably will be too. Dust your feet off and keep on loving. Be the bigger person. And if not everyone accepts you or your message, that’s OK.  🙂   Jesus loves you, so take your eyes off of your circumstances, and keep your focus on the only one whose opinion of you really matters!

Blessings! 🙂


Stay tuned for our next women’s ministry event at the end of February/early March. 🙂

If you like this post, feel free to follow my blog or to “like” my page below.

And watch my videos here if you like: :)

If you or your kids need Spanish lessons or tutoring, click here!

Also, check out this awesome sermon from Carl Wentz!

My Happy, Frugal Thanksgiving Wish

28 Nov


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Here is a picture of my hubby and I at a recent wedding.  Like most Thanksgivings, we ate a-lot!lol…  Let’s face it.  For most of us, Thanksgiving is all about the yams, stuffing, turkey, (repeat!lol,) and then passing out in front of the TV to watch football, and starting over.  🙂 Yes, I love to eat too, but let’s not forget to remember the thing we should be most thankful for – all the blessings that our God has given us.

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Here is a picture of some of the food at a recent party I attended – this might look like a simple spread to some, but let’s not forget that there are people out there who don’t know where their next meal is coming from.   We’re upset that we haven’t lost weight, while others are wondering where their next meal is coming from.  While we are busy trying to de clutter, design, and stage our houses, there are people who are wondering how they’ll get toys this Christmas.  (Below is a picture of my son and his friend – we went through the toys and gave many of them away.) 🙂



So, let’s not get so caught up in the gluttony and materialism, and forget to thank God for the things that really matter – for the things that are eternal.  Set your eyes on things above.  We are on this earth for a short time.  All of the riches, 401K and retirement savings, awards, glory, houses, and things will one day slip through our fingers as we pass on to be with Jesus, the eternal lover of our souls!  Let’s begin living for the things that really matter, and give thanks for the little things! 🙂



If you like this post, feel free to follow my blog or to “like” my fan page below.

And watch my videos here if you like: :)

It’s been a while – what we have been up to!

27 Aug

I just realized that it has been a few weeks since my last blog, and here’s why: I just started a new job, the kids are getting ready for preschool, and I’ve been getting the house clean!lol…that last one may be an everyday occurrence for some of you, but tidying up doesn’t come naturally for me, so it’s something that I have been working on. 🙂


We have also been visiting the park more, (especially since it’s right across the street,) 🙂 and I started a new moms group that has some of it’s meetings at night, so I can work and still be a part of it. …So there have been lots of changes, but they are all so much fun!


I’m also excited about the next women’s conference we’ll be having. So many women feel like they’re “just” a mom, or “just” a call center worker, or “just” someone’s wife”… so many of us feel defined by our jobs, the house we live in, if we have kids or not, or who we’re married to. But God says that we are His daughters, and that we’re fearfully and wonderfully made! He says that we are created in His image, and that makes us so much more than just how we look, who our friends are, or the size of our house.


I am in the process of getting the date and location for our next event, and I already have some great speakers lined up. I’m excited to see what the Lord does!



If you’re in the Hampton Roads area, I would love it if you joined us for our next “Bride of Christ Brunch and Women’s Conference” – food, fun, & fellowship – date to be announced soon!

If you like this post, feel free to follow my blog or to “like” my fan page below.

And watch my videos here if you like: :)

*** Do you have dreams that you have yet to accomplish?  Do you know what needs to be done, but you can’t figure out why you’re not doing it?  For years, this was me.  I would love to partner along side of you, and help you to come up with a plan to achieve your goals and dreams!   Let’s connect today!

Love pretty jewelry? ME TOO!! Check out my Traci Lynn Fashion Jewelry page – our jewelry is cute, professional, fun, and has that BLING factor that we all love!

Dolores R. – Strong and Healthy to do the Lord’s Work

29 Jul


For the next two weeks leading up to our Bride of Christ Brunch, (a fun ministry event for all women which involves yummy food, speakers, worship, pampering, and shopping at the end,) we’ll be featuring amazing women of God who are sharing on the same topic that we’ll be hearing about at the conference: how to be strong and healthy enough to do the Lord’s work, and how to grow closer to the Lord. 🙂

Check out our event here:

Today’s interview will feature Dolores Rivera, a Director/Producer for Cheroubim Kingdom Productions, and a Visi Distributor.  Thanks for sharing, Dolores! 🙂

How do you eat/cook healthy or plan healthy meals on the go?

In general, our family enjoys eating healthy. I make things like cucumber salad, grilled chicken with broccoli, and potatoes. Also, I love giving my kids our Visi protein chews. I cut them up into small pieces, and they eat it like it’s candy.

What are some easy ways to add fitness or activity to you or your family’s life?

We like to go on walks, and we play four square with the basketball in the front yard as a family. At home, we turn on music and just start dancing, and the kids don’t even realize that it’s exercise.

What is your favorite way to spend time with the Lord?

My favorite thing to do with the Lord is soaking in prayer. My kids and I do it together as we mediate on God and write down or draw pictures or things He tells us.

Thanks again for sharing, Dolores!  Feel free to check out her website at

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If you’re in the Hampton Roads area, I would love it if you joined us for our “Bride of Christ Brunch and Women’s Conference” – food, fun, & fellowship!

Read more about my health journey here:

If you like this post, feel free to follow my blog or to “like” my fan page below.

And watch my videos here if you like: :)

*** Do you have dreams that you have yet to accomplish?  Do you know what needs to be done, but you can’t figure out why you’re not doing it?  For years, this was me.  I would love to partner along side of you, and help you to come up with a plan to achieve your goals and dreams!   Let’s connect today!

Love pretty jewelry? ME TOO!! Check out my Traci Lynn Fashion Jewelry page – our jewelry is cute, professional, fun, and has that BLING factor that we all love!

Looking for a fun program that teaches your kids Spanish through art, music, dance and fun interactive games?  Check out our “Spanish for Kids” classes here!

Time for a Facebook Break?

5 Jul

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For the past two days, I’ve had two different friends confide in me that they have had to take facebook breaks.  Here was the reason why:

They had begun comparing themselves to others.  They noticed girls who were losing weight faster than them.  They noticed people who seemed to have better lives and better families.  They saw people with two and three kids, when they were struggling to get pregnant.


Guys; facebook isn’t real.  We post pictures and images that put our best face forward. We usually only share the good.

Or, perhaps, reading through friends annoying updates is causing you in turn to become harsh and critical.

Friends; God’s word tells us to fix our thoughts on things that are pleasant.  So if Facebook is causing you to become negative, it may be time to take a step back.

Take a walk.  Spend time with friends in person.  Call someone you haven’t talked to in awhile.  Stop taking pictures of your kids to post on facebook, and play with them instead. 🙂  Life is meant to be lived, not to be spent surfing facebook while your kids are begging you to read them a story.


Facebook is great for keeping up with friends or promoting business, but remember that if it is causing comparisons or negativity, then it might be time to limit your use.

Blessings! 🙂

If you’re in the Hampton Roads area, I would love it if you joined us for our “Bride of Christ Brunch and Women’s Conference” – food, fun, fellowship, awesome worship, speakers, and ministry, pampering, and more!! :)

Read more about my health journey here:

If you like this post, feel free to follow my blog or to “like” our fan page below.

And watch our videos here if you like:

*** Do you have dreams that you have yet to accomplish?  Do you know what needs to be done, but you can’t figure out why you’re not doing it?  For years, this was me.  I would love to partner along side of you, and help you to come up with a plan to achieve your goals and dreams!   Let’s connect today!

Love pretty jewelry? ME TOO!! Check out my Traci Lynn Fashion Jewelry page – our jewelry is cute, professional, fun, and has that BLING factor that we all love!

Looking for a fun program that teaches your kids Spanish through art, music, dance and fun interactive games?  Check out our “Spanish for Kids” classes here!

Getting Freebies God’s Way – Part Deux!

27 Jun


Earlier this week, I wrote about how with God, He doesn’t just provide income from our traditional “jobs,” but also He send additional ways for us to make money, or just gives us freebies.   I’m sure we have all worried about finances from time to time, (including myself.)

But instead of worrying, what if we just said, “God, I’ll do what I can, but you’re going to have to do the rest.  If you want me to be able to pay my bills, you’re going to have to provide a way, because as it is, I see no way out.”   (Below I’m doing Spanish tutoring at a local Mexican restaurant, another uconventional way that God has allowed me to bring in income for my family.) 🙂


Of course, the word also tells us to give and it will come back to us.  🙂  Are you giving to others?  If you don’t have money, are you giving time?  Are you helping others?  When we give, it opens the door for God to bless us.  (Another example of a “freebie from God” is when I recently won a sales contest at work, and my hubby and I were treated to dinner at a five star restaurant.  Here is some of the dessert.)  God loves to bless His kids with freebies!


Just the other day, I saw another homeless family at Wal-Mart.  Being alone and a female, I only stop when I feel God telling me to.  This time, it was so clear.  There was a man, his pregnant wife, a newborn baby, and a little girl who was about my sons age.  Before I even realized what was going on, I’d stopped my car and was talking with them and praying over them.  I only had $11 to give them, but I knew that was enough.  After I gave them some money, it looked like they were heading over to the nearby pizza place to get some dinner for their family.  They thanked me, and I was glad that I had listened to the Lord’s prompting. 🙂

When we are giving to others, (even if we think it’s just a little bit,) God will bless that!  Just like the lady in the Bible who could only give a coin or two, we have to do what we can to help others.  Then watch God bless you supernaturally.  I’ll tell more about this in part three! 🙂




If you’re in the Hampton Roads area, I would love it if you joined us for our “Bride of Christ Brunch and Women’s Conference” – food, fun, fellowship, awesome worship, speakers, and ministry, pampering, and more!! 🙂

Read more about my health journey here:

If you like this post, feel free to follow my blog or to “like” our fan page below.

And watch our videos here if you like:

*** Do you have dreams that you have yet to accomplish?  Do you know what needs to be done, but you can’t figure out why you’re not doing it?  For years, this was me.  I would love to partner along side of you, and help you to come up with a plan to achieve your goals and dreams!   Let’s connect today!

Love pretty jewelry? ME TOO!! Check out my Traci Lynn Fashion Jewelry page – our jewelry is cute, professional, fun, and has that BLING factor that we all love!

Looking for a fun program that teaches your kids Spanish through art, music, dance and fun interactive games?  Check out our “Spanish for Kids” classes here!

Getting Freebies God’s Way!!

24 Jun

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Recently a friend asked an awesome question on Facebook – why do we expect our jobs to be our only source of income?  While having a job is a good thing, (gotta make that money,) 🙂  it’s also a good reminder to believe God for favor and freebies.

Here are just a few ways that God has sent freebies and favor my way in the past week.

1. A friend was selling a $90 coffee maker online and got no response, and told me that I could have it for $25.  Favor!!

2. I was nice to my nail technician, (even drawing her pictures of how I wanted my nails to look since she doesn’t speak English,) and she gave me $6 off my mani and pedi!  (Hey, every little bit counts!) 🙂

3. A close family remember recently offered to babysit for free a few nights a week, so that cuts out the need for paid sitters, (not that we don’t adore our paid sitters too…they are awesome!) 🙂

Even though it’s important to have a job to support yourself, never underestimate God.  When you are loving others, smiling, and living a life that pleases God, don’t be surprised when He drops freebies in your lap.  To me, they are just another way that God is saying, “Keep up the good work…I’ll bless you even without working more hours.”  🙂



Read more about my health journey here:

If you like this post, feel free to follow my blog or to “like” our fan page below.

And watch our videos here if you like:

*** Do you have dreams that you have yet to accomplish?  Do you know what needs to be done, but you can’t figure out why you’re not doing it?  For years, this was me.  I would love to partner along side of you, and help you to come up with a plan to achieve your goals and dreams!   Let’s connect today!

Love pretty jewelry? ME TOO!! Check out my Traci Lynn Fashion Jewelry page – our jewelry is cute, professional, fun, and has that BLING factor that we all love!

Looking for a fun program that teaches your kids Spanish through art, music, dance and fun interactive games?  Check out our “Spanish for Kids” classes here!

God isn’t just for senior citizens

21 Jun



If you are a senior citizen, God bless you! 🙂 But some younger people have the idea that God is just for people who are in their 80’s, who wear shoulder pad dresses, and who have bake sales…(don’t get me wrong…I love bake sales and I will buy them out!haha…but this is not the only type of person that God loves.)


If you think you’re too young or too cool for God, I promise you that God’s love is for everyone, – rich, poor, black, white, old and young. 🙂


There is a new generation of Christians who love God and are passionate about Him – we have pink hair, tattoos, piercings, holes in our jeans, and don’t all wear khaki pants.  We love travel, culture, languages, and all things new. 🙂  Being a Christian doesn’t equal boring.  Loving God and having a relationship with Him is one of the most exciting things about my life!


Please ask questions if you have any! 🙂



Read more about my health journey here:

I hope that you can join us as well as well for an awesome time of worship, ministry, and yummy food.  See you at our second Brides in Training Brunch and Luau: equipping women to be missionaries in their own backyards! :)

If you like this post, feel free to follow my blog or to “like” our fan page below.

And watch our videos here if you like:

Check out my Cool Videos collection at @Lockerz

*** Do you have dreams that you have yet to accomplish?  Do you know what needs to be done, but you can’t figure out why you’re not doing it?  For years, this was me.  I would love to partner along side of you, and help you to come up with a plan to achieve your goals and dreams!   Let’s connect today!

Love pretty jewelry? ME TOO!! Check out my Traci Lynn Fashion Jewelry page – our jewelry is cute, professional, fun, and has that BLING factor that we all love!

Looking for a fun program that teaches your kids Spanish through art, music, dance and fun interactive games?  Check out our “Spanish for Kids” classes here!