It’s not the size of your home, it’s how comfortable your guests feel!

7 Nov

Here is a picture of my son and Zumba partner, ready to do some late night Zumba with me in our cozy family room.  🙂

Lately I’ve been following an awesome series about making a home a haven:

In the blog, Courtney talks about how it’s not the size of your home or what you have that matters, but how you make your guests feel.

She suggests lighting candles, baking yummy smelling goodies, and playing soft worship or Christmas music to give your home that “cozy” feel.  🙂

A few nights ago, my old friend and her boyfriend visited us.  I made sure not to argue w/my husband before they arrived, (people can always feel the mood of the house even if we try to “fake it,”lol,) and in general, I’m trying to create a more positive tone in my house by working on being more loving and agreeable.  🙂

I had my Christmas spice yankee candle burning and my banana bread ready for them, but that’s 0nly part of the hospitality…

Image courtesy of google images

I think that my guests also felt the love that my family had for one another.  Even though my hubby and I aren’t newlyweds anymore, we were excited as we told them our love story, (and showed them pictures,) and we listened to their love story too.

Our kids played with them and gave them plenty of hugs, even offering them half eaten french fries!lol…(people often tell me that my kids are so happy, and that b/c babies faces don’t lie, they can tell that they come from a peaceful and happy home…)  🙂

While the world is often cold and unfeeling, I want people to feel God’s love when they enter my home.   (Our family is by no means perfect, but we do our best to let God’s light shine, and not to be so “over-spiritual” that people feel they have to act “godly” or “spiritual” around us!lol…)  I want everyone to feel comfortable in my house no matter what their background.

In less than three weeks, we will have sold our home, and we will either be in a new home, or be renting a 750 sq. foot home.

While I want my new home to look like this…

Image courtesy of google images

I have made peace that God is in control, and if we end up in a rental that looks more like this for awhile, then that’s OK too!

Image courtesy of google images

I’ll be honest – I’m hoping we’ll be in a new, spacious home to celebrate the holidays in, but even if we have to rent a small, plain home, I have still promised God that I will make even the small rental space His haven; a place where my family can be cozy and at peace.  And if I keep things in perspective, there are people out there who wish they could live in warm, 750 square foot home instead of on the streets!

It’s not the size of the home that matters; it’s the love that’s inside!


The book is due out in the Fall of 2012. :)

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I’ve lost 15 pounds (and still losing) with exercise and an awesome wellness supplement called Visi – read my testimony here and msg. me for more info!

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